Expectations and Policies
Punctuality - Athletes are expected to arrive at practices 10 minutes early and ready to play. Coaches will set arrival times for tournaments. Tardiness is not acceptable. Dress Code - Coaches and athletes of LVVC are expected to represent themselves in a positive way by dressing appropriately at all practices and tournaments. Specifics will be addressed at our team meetings at the beginning of the season. Athletes and/or coaches who continually dismiss our dress code will be required to meet with the director and assistant director to discuss the situation. Anyone unwilling to follow our dress code which only stresses modesty, will be asked to leave La Vernia Volleyball Club for the remainder of the season and NO money will be refunded. Practice vs. Play - We DO NOT guarantee equal play time at tournaments, but we believe in a “fair” amount of play time for each athlete as determined by our coaching staff. While LVVC strives to improve the skills of every athlete on our rosters, we all strive to win. This balancing act is often difficult. This is a competitive sport and our athletes pay, practice, and play to compete. Problem Solving - If a problem arises, you should first contact your coach and try to handle the issue directly with them. Should a problem arise during a practice or at a tournament, parents are expected to refrain from approaching coaches to discuss these issues until a later time. Tournaments and practices are no place to discuss issues requiring lengthy conversations. We only have a short amount of practice time so we don’t want to waster it. Coaches are always available to discuss your concerns away from tournaments and practices though. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of such discussions with your daughter’s coach, a meeting with you, the coach, the player, the director and/or assistant director can be arranged. Parents and athletes should refrain from voicing their frustrations with other parents and players because the only result from that sort of behavior is an entire team unable to work together. Any behavior deemed detrimental to our organization will NOT be tolerated. Players and parents unwilling to utilize the systems in place to handle their concerns will be asked to leave La Vernia Volleyball Club for the remainder of the season and NO money will be refunded.
Attendance - We understand that sometimes players miss a practice or tournament due to illness. There may be a school function that interferes with your commitment to our organization. We expect our athletes to take responsibility and let their coach know when they will not make it to a practice or tournament AHEAD OF TIME. School conflicts should be addressed at the beginning of the season or as soon as possible by emailing your coach and team mom. Missing practice due to illness requires a phone call to your coach. If a player is injured, they should still attend practices and games in whatever capacity possible so they will not fall behind. Communication after missing a practice, albeit a fine thing, is NOT an acceptable substitute for communication ahead of time. Athletes should utilize study halls as well as their time after school wisely in order to complete homework so that it does not interfere with practices. School always comes first, but using homework as an excuse to get out of putting in your practice time reflects badly on your time management skills and maturity and could possibly alter your play time at tournaments.